#17: 🚀 Jobs at TomTom, 🗣 career in the automotive sector and ✍️ medical care in Germany
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🚀 Jobs at TomTom
The mapping and navigation software and hardware provider, TomTom, is looking for candidates to join their software engineering team in Berlin. Read more here.
🗣 Working as a mechanical engineer in the German automotive sector with Anirudh Jaipuria
The automotive industry is a backbone industry of the German economy and also one of the largest employers in the world. Today on India2Germany, we speak with Anirudh Jaipuria about his experience as a mechanical engineer in the German automotive sector. Anirudh is a specialist in multibody simulation and currently leads projects in the area of drivetrain design and development for high-performance cars at BMW-M, the sports car subsidiary of BMW. He has several years of experience working in automotives in Germany as well as in India. Listen and read Anirudh's experience and suggestions about building a career in the automative sector in Germany, as well as his insights on some of the major trends in this field.
🎙 Listen to the full episode and 📝 Read the blog here.
✍️ Medical care in Germany
As a foreigner in Germany you might wonder - where do I go if I need medical care? Let us give you some useful information here.
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