#10: 🚀 Jobs at N26, 🗣 Finding a job as Data Engineer and ✍️ Getting a driving license in Germany
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🚀 Jobs at N26
N26 is an online mobile bank headquartered in Berlin, Germany. The company is hiring for several positions in software development, product management, operations and data analytics. Read more here.
🗣 Finding a job as a Data Engineer in Germany with Thomas M.
We spoke with Thomas, who is originally from Heidelberg, Germany and is currently working in Berlin as a Data Engineer. He shares his experience of finding a job as a Data Engineer and gives very valuable advice on how to look for jobs in this field in Germany, what the interview process is like, how to prepare for the different interview rounds and things to keep in mind during your job search. Read more here.
✍️ Getting a driving license in Germany
This is the first in a series of two articles. Here, we give a step-by-step explanation for applying for a new driving license in Germany. Next week, we'll explain how to get your Indian driving license "converted" into a German one. Read more here.
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