Information and resources for working in Germany.
Personal experiences and advice from people living and working in Germany.
A curated list of the latest career opportunities in Germany.
Information on parenting, schools and other aspects of living with your family in Germany.
An archive of newsletter issues that have been sent out to our subscribers.
Information and tips about living in Germany.
Information related to visas and immigration to Germany.
Study & Research
Information about bachelors, masters , PhD, research and scholarships in Germany.
Insurance & Taxes
Information and tips about the German tax system and the different types of insurances in Germany.

Our Services
Establish and grow yourself in Germany with our experience. We are a team of experts with several years of experience advising people on different aspects of professional and daily life in Germany. Through our own first-hand experience, research and interactions with others, we are in the right position to support and guide you. Our services are offered at a minimal fee to ensure a high quality and value for everyone, while being able to sustain our platform.
Here are our tips and resources for learning German.